⚙ Configuration

Configuration #

SemaDB is configured from a single YAML file specified by the SEMADB_CONFIG environment variable. The configuration file is divided into sections, each with its own set of parameters. The following is a list of all the available configuration parameters:

# -------------------------------
# Configuration for SemaDB
# -------------------------------
# Enable debug mode, makes things more verbose and logs more information
# the &GLOBAL_DEBUG is a YAML anchor, it is used to reference the value
# in other parts of the configuration file.
debug: &GLOBAL_DEBUG true
# Enable pretty log output, makes logs more readable. Otherwise they are output
# in JSON format for easier parsing by log aggregators
prettyLogOutput: true
# -------------------------------
# The cluster node configuration
  # -------------------------------
  # Root directory refers to the start of the filesystem where all data is stored
  rootDir: &ROOT_DIR ./data
  # List of known servers at the beginning. If you are running a single server,
  # it should be the hostname and port of the server itself. If it is a cluster,
  # it should be the hostname and port of all the servers in the cluster.
  # Important: The port refers to the RPC port defined below
    - localhost:11001
  # -------------------------------
  # RPC Parameters
  # The full RPC address is constructed as rpcHost + rpcDomain + ":" + rpcPort
  rpcHost: localhost
  rpcDomain: "" # With preceding dot, e.g. ".example.com"
  rpcPort: 11001
  rpcTimeout: 300 # seconds
  rpcRetries: 2
  # -------------------------------
  # Node database parameters. This database usually store collection
  # information. The backup creates a local copy in the same filesystem.
  backupFrequency: 3600 # 1 hour
  backupCount: 3
  # -------------------------------
  # Maximum size of shards in bytes. Either the shard size is reached or the
  # shard point count is reached. These parameters are used when distributing
  # points to shards automatically. If you want a single shard, then set these
  # to something really high.
  maxShardSize: 2147483648 # 2GiB
  maxShardPointCount: 100000 # 100K
  # Maximum limit on search queries to avoid large results sets. It's a
  # precaution mainly, can be safely set to higher limit because the search
  # request limits are applied as well.
  maxSearchLimit: 75
  # -------------------------------
  # Shard manager configuration
    rootDir: *ROOT_DIR
    # Shard timeout in seconds. After this period the shard database file is
    # closed and any shared in-memory decoded cache is released. Note that the
    # operating system cache holding the database file pages are untouched and
    # may still report high memory usage.
    shardTimeout: 300 # 5 minutes
    # Maximum shared shard cache in bytes. This size is shared amongst all the
    # shards and their indices. If the size is reached, least recently used
    # cache entries are evicted until the size is below the limit. This only
    # occurs after operations are complete and during an operation it may exceed
    # this limit to operate safely.
    maxCacheSize: 1073741824 # 1GiB
# -------------------------------
# The user facing HTTP API configuration
  debug: *GLOBAL_DEBUG
  # HTTP Parameters
  httpHost: ""
  httpPort: 8081
  enableMetrics: true
  metricsHttpHost: ""
  metricsHttpPort: 8091
  # The secret string that is used to authenticate the proxy requests. If the
  # secret is empty, then the check is disabled. Use this to prevent unauthorized
  # access to the HTTP API.
  proxySecret: ""
  # Alongside or instead of the secret, you can use IP whitelisting to allow
  # only certain IPs to access the HTTP API. Either list all the IPs or set to
  # ['*'] to allow all IPs.
    - "*"
  # User Plans are mainly used for rate limiting and to enforce quotas. It isn't
  # designed to monetize the service which may require subscriptions and payment
  # gateways. Here we are just interested in putting some safeguards in place
  # before someone accidentally or intentionally abuses the service, e.g. by
  # creating too many collections.
      name: Basic Plan
      maxCollections: 1
      maxCollectionPointCount: 1000000 # 1M
      # This is after the point is encoded and includes any vector fields.
      maxPointSize: 1024 # 1KiB
      shardBackupFrequency: 3600 # 1 hour
      shardBackupCount: 2